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Tobe Forshtay Posted by: Tobe Forshtay 2 years ago

He was walking with a jug in his hand.
Lemonade? Beer?
I wasn’t sure. It looked like an empty milk jug, and he wasn’t far from a tough neighborhood, so I pulled over expecting something bad.

“Hey, man,” I initiated.
“I ran out of gas,” he replied. “Thanks for stopping.”

Okay…it was fuel. I was relieved.

“Hop in, I’ll take you to your vehicle.”

We drove up the road and found his vehicle where he left it. As he hopped out, I jumped out to grab a funnel as I knew it would help get the fuel in the tank and not all over himself or his vehicle.

And that’s when I heard his reluctant confession: “Yeah — the gauge has been out for a while, but I just thought I was good.”

“Yeah — the gauge has been out for a while, but I just thought I was good.”

Okay. Honest poll here.

Who has used that line before?

This encounter hit me as a metaphor for life. Far too many of us are running through life with gauges that are broken or not calibrated. These gauges are giving us false readings, and yet we continue to coast, living with some whimsical hope that things will just “work out.”

To follow the vehicle gauge metaphor, there are 4 gauges that make up the dashboard of life. They include: (1) physical, (2) emotional, (3) intellectual, and (4) spiritual.

Some don’t know that their gauges are off…but far too many of us do.
What keeps us from taking a strategic pause and working to ensure we’re getting proper readings from these gauges? Why don’t we get those calibrated?

  • Who defines success for you?
  • What waypoint are you trying to hit?
  • What pace of life must you run to get there?
  • Are you living at peace, with joy?
  • How’s your spiritual health? What does that question mean to you?
  • Are you confident that you’ll arrive where you hope to arrive in life, or are you winging it?

It is so critical that these gauges are calibrated properly.

Dream Coaching

Dream Again is a life coaching company that helps people fall in love with life again. We help you calibrate your gauges and make a plan to get you where you want to go. Perhaps you’re part of a team who would benefit from this calibration. Dream Again also partners with employers to provide coaching as an employer benefit.  

Our dream managers walk beside you virtually, or in-person, offering a subscription-based coaching service. The goal is to help you become “the best version of yourself.” 

When did you last experience a recalibration of the 4 primary gauges in your life? When did you last identify your dreams?

Send Tobe an email at to register for an upcoming Dream Clinic (to find out more about how your dreams can motivate life change) or to schedule your free consultation to see how dream coaching might help you live the life of your dreams.